Sunday, February 23, 2020

Islam In The Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam In The Modern World - Essay Example As Michalopoulos, Naghavi and Prarolo (2010) writes, there were several scattered oasis in the desert where vine, frankincense, myrrh, and spices were produced; however, the remaining people led nomadic life. In addition, the ones in and around Mecca were benefiting from their location as Mecca was located along the route connecting Europe to Yemen. Thus, people who traded and cultivated accumulated wealth while the remaining had a pathetic entity; and as a result of this unequal distribution of wealth, robberies and attacks were very common. It was during this social instability that Muhammad had his birth in 570 AD. Muhammad too was a Meccan merchant and was well aware of the social inequalities that existed in Arabia. At this juncture, it seems quite natural that Islamic principles stress heavily on income redistribution, limiting capital accumulation, and incentives for religious endowments as the basic principles of Quran; thus showing that the religion was mainly against the un wanted commercial practices. One cannot turn a blind eye to the importance Muhammad has given to business ethics and the way he has changed the very concept of ‘maximum profit at any cost’. He showed how ethical perspectives can be included in business. In the story of Shu’aib, people are advised to ‘give just measure and weight’ and are directed that one should not withhold others’ due (Hud 11:84-88). In addition, there is warning that ones worship will not be accepted if he earns ‘haram’ (forbidden). There are a number of basic principles put forward by the Hadith regarding business dealings; they will not lie, will not misappropriate the trust when they are entrusted something, will give reasonable price for the things they buy, will not lie to get better price for the things they sell, and will not delay payments. In addition, the crimes in business dealings according to the Islamic principles involve interest on loans, gambli ng, prostitution, bribe, alcohol and drugs, torturing, selling defected items, and false witnesses. Another interesting directive from the prophet is the suggestion that one should not borrow money if he has enough to survive. In addition, the Prophet gives warning that one who charges interest for the money lent will be deprived of all blessings and it will lead to a war with Allah and His Messenger. Thus, it becomes evident that Muhammad was very much concerned about the existing commercialism in the Arabian land and wanted to have a total reform. Taking note of the increasing commercialism, he introduced ‘zakat’ (legal alms giving) especially to kins, poor, and travelers. However, it was the teachings on poverty that helped Quran achieve great success. Protesting the construction of buildings in markets, and opposing tax or rent, he promoted ‘sadaga’ (giving based on compassion). Kuran andTimur (2004) opine that it is this system of strict equality sugge sted by the Prophet that kept the Middle East economically backward while the western world made great strides. However, it is unwise to conclude that Commercialism was the only component that led to the origin of Islamism. Instead, Islamism was a fight against all

Friday, February 7, 2020

Makeup HW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Makeup HW - Assignment Example Serfdom-that is what it is-and who wants to be a serf?† (Nadya) They also think that they would not be able to co-exist with each other in the community farms because even in their privately owned farms, they still could not go days without disagreeing when Lukyan said â€Å"Nowadays members of the same family get in each other’s way and quarrel and fight, and here we are, strangers, are supposed to be like one family. Can we-dark, beastly muzhiks-make a go of it without scratching each other’s faces, pulling each other’s hair or hurling stones at one another?† (Nadya) They view the agitators of collectivism as people who are intent on destroying their way of life, wanting them to bend to their rule by force. One of the muzhik said, â€Å"We do as we please. ... They claimed that they exploited the resources for their own benefit and did not think of the future whereas they thought of the future. The Communist Party official said â€Å"Isn’t it about time you stopped thinking each one for himself, for his own piggish hide? You koolaks of course will never become reconciled to a new order. You love to fatten on other people’s blood. But we know how to deal with you. We’ll wipe you off the face of the earth, even as we have the capitalists in the city. Make no mistake about our intentions and our powers. We shan’t allow you to profit from the weakness of the bedniak.† (Nadya) Living through Industrialization The Stalinist industrialization enabled the Soviet workers to move from the countryside to the cities, thrust millions of them into technical institutes where they learnt new skills and nurtured new ambition, provided them with jobs, citizenship and enabled them to venture into politics. The Tatar electri cian stated â€Å"Before October, in old tsarist Russia, we weren’t even considered people. We couldn’t even dream about education, or getting a job in a state enterprise. And now I am a citizen of the USSR. Like all citizens, I have the right to a job, to education, to leisure. I can elect and be elected to the soviet (legislative council). Is this not an indication of the supreme achievements of our country?† (Davis) The criticisms voiced in this excerpt are from the citizens who were the actual labourers and they include the soviet worker who wrote a letter in 1938 when he said, â€Å"However, to be honest, those shouts are mechanical, made from habit†¦ in fact, in his heart, when he comes home, this bawler, eulogist, will agree with his family, his wife who reproaches